The 1962 Hammer horror film, Night Creatures, has finally arrived on a special edition Blu-ray, courtesy of the good folks at Shout Factory!
Night Creatures (aka Captain Clegg) is not at all what you’d expect from the original poster or Blu-ray artwork. It is, in fact, a thriller that harbors several jaw-dropping twists and more than enough bitchy dialogue to keep you entertained for the duration.
The film stars Peter Cushing and Oliver Reed and concerns a small town full of villagers that have been suspected of smuggling alcohol from France. A man named captain Collier arrives with a group of sailors to investigate the strange goings-on, only to get caught up in the mystery surrounding the local pastor, the cagey townsfolk, and the ghostly “night creatures” which haunt the local marsh.
What we have here is a strange hybrid of action/adventure, pirate film, and ghost story. And it all works surprisingly well! I had a great time with this film. Fans of Shout Factory’s output and Hammer horror films will find much to enjoy here!
The picture looks incredible, the film sounds amazing. You can tell that lots of detail went in to preparing the print and sound mix for this release. Several special features are also included that will certainly please fans of the film.
Highly recommended!
Night Creatures (aka Captain Clegg) is not at all what you’d expect from the original poster or Blu-ray artwork. It is, in fact, a thriller that harbors several jaw-dropping twists and more than enough bitchy dialogue to keep you entertained for the duration.
The film stars Peter Cushing and Oliver Reed and concerns a small town full of villagers that have been suspected of smuggling alcohol from France. A man named captain Collier arrives with a group of sailors to investigate the strange goings-on, only to get caught up in the mystery surrounding the local pastor, the cagey townsfolk, and the ghostly “night creatures” which haunt the local marsh.
What we have here is a strange hybrid of action/adventure, pirate film, and ghost story. And it all works surprisingly well! I had a great time with this film. Fans of Shout Factory’s output and Hammer horror films will find much to enjoy here!
The picture looks incredible, the film sounds amazing. You can tell that lots of detail went in to preparing the print and sound mix for this release. Several special features are also included that will certainly please fans of the film.
Highly recommended!